Saturday, April 18, 2009

And if they didn't die, then they're still alive today :)

Hello Fairytalespinners!

Ok, so I'm back, so maybe this whole blogging thing isn't going too bad. I'm super excited and am checking out a lot of other blogs as well!

So you may be wondering about the title of my blog, which is actually the english translation of the way the German fairy tale writers ended their fairy tales. You know about the Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson? Well, they ended their fairy tales with, "Und wenn die nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie nocht heute." Which pretty much means, "And if they didn't die, then they're still alive today."

I was thinking about that lately and wondering how come they changed the way they do fairy tales. I mean, I will admit, it sounds way better in german than it does in english. And "Once Upon a Time." sounds way better in english than german.

Any thoughts on this? I'd love to hear back from you guys. What other countries have things that make fairy tales unique??

Ok, so on today's RHAPSODY (which by the way, is a synonym for rave... I love Erynn Mangum. Can I say one thing? DELICIOUSLY AMUSING. Seriously, she can write! I had to take frequent laughing breaks while reading the Lauren Hoolbrook series (as in, doubling over, I-think-I-might-just-have-to-run-for-the-bathroom-right-about-now, laughing) and I've taken her books out twice now! (Ok, ok, that might not sound like a big deal, but it's huge for me. I'm a tough critic. There's only a couple of books I'll take out more than once).

Her books are definitely near the top of my list to buy (the only reason they're not at the top is because I want to read the books by Jenny B. Jones that I haven't read yet). Check out Erynn Mangum's blog
here (!!!!)

Writers Tip:

Write AMAP. Not ASAP, although you should probably do that too, but AMAP. As in, As Much As Possible. Write about the way you feel, the way your little sister's nose looks, the way your macaroni and cheese tastes. Write down character ideas, or idiosyncrasies that you think would be great for a character. Set aside a time every day to write, keep a folder for your writing, try writing on the computer vs. writing by hand, but whatever you do, write a lot.

Ok, so I actually will admit about being awful about this. So I'm resolving to finish the second draft of the novel I'm working on by June. I will, I really will! Even if it almost kill me, I'll be spending a lot of time writing, writing, writing.

And the awesome-quote-of-today!

It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, clap the net, over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: He catches the changes of his mind on the hop. ~Vita Sacksville-West

Now, while I don't think that you'll live an empty life if you're not a writer (I'm sure other people have passions that fill their life, and ultimately, Christ is the only one who can fill you life), I do know that by writing the little moments, you'll improve your writing and "catch the changes of your mind on the hop". What a sweet picture!

Dream big, Fairytalespinners!

~Princess Buttercup

Monday, April 13, 2009

Once Upon a Blog... :)

Hey there Fairytale Spinners :)

So I'm starting my very own blog, for better or worse. I'm not really sure where this is going to go, but we'll see :) This blog is going to be for all you fairytale spinners with your heads in the clouds who love writing and imagining all the characters in your head! It's also a place where you can find quality books, movies, websites, and ... desserts (!!!)

I personally am always looking for great recources for teenage christian girls, especially for writers, since I can totally use the recources. So why depend on someone else? I'll just do it myself :)

Okay, so today's RAVE is Jenny B. Jones and Cupcakes!!!!!!

If you haven't read any of her books, I'd suggest going out right now and getting yourself a copy somehow. She is absolutely incredible: her books really get into the characters (she writes teenage christian lit, really good, hilarious stuff!). Check her out here and make sure to check out her blog for a little taste of her humor and talent! Plus, she loves cupcakes.

I was actually a little hesitant to go out and buy the first book in the Katie Parker without reading anything else she's written (my library apparently isn't as great as it's claimed to be... it didn't have ANYTHING by her!) but don't be! It was a great purchase and I'd refer anyone looking for a sweet read.

The Tip of the Day:

Give up on the pride.

I know, it's hard to do, but if you want to be a writer, you're going to have to be able to take criticism without taking it personally. I suggest you find a couple of "cheerleaders": people you know will never really tell you the truth, and just think that every thing you write should become part of a best-selling story. You also need a couple of "critics": people who will tell you what you don't want to hear (get a couple of types: the nice one, the tough one, the simon-cowell one). Do this, and you will really be able to write! Don't be afraid of showing your writing to people ~ they probably won't bite :) (unless you give it to a Simon Cowell)

And the quote:

"Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." ~ C.S. Lewis

You got that right! And all us here who are fairy tale spinners (defintion of a fair tale spinners: someone who writes, dreams about, or loves fairytales) know this to be true! Some of us appreciate real art when we see it. Maybe we need to stop thinking about what other people think about us, and be ourselves, fairy tale dreams included.

Alright, signing off Fairytale Spinners. Keep on dreaming big!

~ Princess Buttercup